Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Pack, Load, Clean

One of the things about this house selling business I didn't like so much was the uncertainty.  We didn't know "for sure" until six days before the closing date (and the date we had to be out of the house).

I hade the truck scheduled, the boxes, and did some packing in the weeks before.  Most days I found I had a baby who wanted to nurse round the clock and a child that want to play with exactly what I was packing.
We consoled ourself with the fact that we had no basement, no garage, and had packed and put a ton of stuff in storage just preparing to show the house.

This past Saturday we started loading the 28 foot trailer truck.  We were incredibly fortunate to have three family members come and help.  Everyone worked hard and the trailer was packed, all but our bed and the things we'd need in the next three days.

We packed and loaded more on Sunday and on Monday.  We even stayed up till past midnight Monday, trying to get everything done while the kids were sleeping.  Tuesday morning came at six for me and I got up and went to work.  Not much late everyone else was up and the race to get the trailer finished before they came to pick it up was on.  We got it done by noon, and it was hell.  My poor husband, trying to get our king size, ikea foam mattress in there.  I tried to help, and by the time I was done, I was ready to give the mattress away to whoever would come and get it. 
By noon I'd decided that, even if it meant taking out a loan, I'd hire people to load  next time.  

After the truck was gone, we dropped of yet more stuff (three loads worth) to the local consignment shop, where they would donate it to a local church.  Did I mention that the day before we loaded our van up with donations for Goodwill and the food pantry?  Where did all this stuff come from?!?

We got a quote on enough space in the trailer for a three bedroom house with appliances.  We went over that amount by 3 1/2 feet.

So, we went to lunch at Stefanina's, where the waitress recognized us from a year ago, coming in while I was at the end of my pregnancy, and exclaiming over how much he has grown.

Back to the house, time to clean and load our van up.  We talked in the car and guessed it would take two hours to get it all done.  In reality, it took five.  Five, only stopping to nurse here and there, very long hours.  It felt like a second day.  Finally, we were done.  I snapped a quick picture and we got on the road.  The house looked great!  We are exhausted and sore and hoping closing goes very smoothly.

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