Friday, July 9, 2010
I can't have two blogs
I was going through my old blog and have realized I hate having two. I hate that all those entries are there and not here. I'm going to be combining and going back to High Frolics.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
What a night
L smacked his face into the counter top tonight. His mouth to be exact, he spilt his lip, and bent his top front tooth pretty good. Lots of blood. The gum line looks receded and dark. After lots of ice and some pain reliever, it looks a lot better.
This was our first major injury and it looked really bad to begin. I hate to admit, I started feeling light headed. I sat down with my head down because I felt like I was going to pass out. That was the last thing I thought I'd ever feel.
What to do in this heat wave...
Go to the beach! We headed over to the lake, met up with some friends and had a great time swimming for hours. As soon as we left, F conked out and proceeded to take a 2+ hour nap. I'm remembering what I love about summer.
Yesterday we met up with family and went to my "home" Zoo. The zoo I grew up going to. We got a membership and had a great day. The recently built children's zoo is great and includes a a building with much to explore. The kids a lot of fun and we got to see the spiders being fed too.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Movie Break
L and I snuck away this afternoon for a movie. We saw Toy Story 3. We both cried, although at different parts. He also made it outside of the theater before he cried.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Communication with F is growing and growing! Yesterday he brought his shoes, reach to be picked up, and gave me his foot to put in a shoe, letting me know he wanted to go outside. Later that afternoon, after we came in for lunch, he could not find his shoe, so brought me his big brother's.
His sleep on the other hand... horrible. He has a hard time getting to sleep before 10. He has a hard time napping unless we are at home all day. He doesn't sleep in to make up for the late night bed time. I sure hope it gets better. I don't think he gets as much sleep as he really should.